Saturday, February 23, 2008


Transform this current world into a desired world: equal-standing more than understanding

Transform this current world, into a desired world. Where it begins with an openness to be challenged and willingness to learn, from the lowest locality it shall infuse equity of opportunities to both men and women, resolve universality from a narrowed identity of knowledge and power to all forms of life, hasten development and equity in education and harness nations with the literacy to expand the system of information technology be it in a developed or a developing country. Here shall we start to narrow the gaps of individual and cultural differences. Strengthen a weakening thread connecting every individual; avert chaotic scenarios and continue trace our trail to a peaceful world through media, information and communication technologies.

“Equality seems common, but never always present to what we deserve. “

Capitalizing one skill in gauging the evolution of a peaceful world is an asset to one locality for it shall expand nationally and globally. Thus, it is with great insistence that it must take both ways. The hands to change this world don’t lie alone to men but also to women. The presence of political, social and economic biases expands into the opportunities we can possibly give to women, which can also serve competitively. Like men, women can render the service of advancing and using media and technology. They can flourish the idea of recovering poverty to development, malnutrition into a healthy environment, and a hopeless connection of world relations into friendly living individuals of this world. A challenge that needs action to disable partiality and enable objectivity to the operators of media, technology, and the so called recipients of a well balanced media information.

“The evolution of technology is always inspired by education.”

Historically, technology has been a part of education since the beginning of 16th century. Information and communication technologies have steadily developed from simple to new discovery brought about by the challenge to develop literacy in education and expand expertise for future specialization. But in the imbalance between a developed and a developing country, there should be base upon which it will hold and weigh every system to work accordingly. Information and communications technologies and government should be intertwined to accelerate the instructional wheel in the educational system. Such that all private and public schools should be passed on by the government’s enough budgets to aid high-technology education. A simple television, internet and computer would supplement learners to move up from the customary form of learning to advance into a sophisticated learning. In this way, learners can easily access to the ways of teaching of their native country as well as others. Moreover, the teachers as the prime movers of education can also expect learning different skills in teaching approaches and be motivated to be more keen as to how and what should be the best way to gauge learning to the learners from this array of resources. Integration such as this is also taught to help students understand how to use knowledge and skills as cognitive tools for solving realistic problems and use this as a commodity to compete globally in more diverse cultures. With these we can provide and place balance between equity of opportunities, excellence in education and a dynamic step for our future.

“Acceptance is a preparation for change, a challenge to foresee.”

War is not the product of media, and war shouldn’t be placed when we were taught of advancing our skills through technology. Unlike guns and bombs that kill, media and communication technologies should be used to link every individual of different races and cultures. These should narrow the chaotic scenarios of a threatening right of expression to all journalists, improve the competence of media professionals aiming to give responsible information, and to elevate responsiveness in making top use of communication resources. Media should introduce the beauties of interacting, bracing and aiding news agencies and community media both developed and developing countries to improve the value of the information they disseminate and provide guidance, education, and the circulation of opportunities to all responsible individual setting a core of preparation to be media literate mainly the youth.
Finally media and communication technologies should be an avenue for the youth to become the specialists of tomorrow. Where youth organization employs apt technology to create global relations, discuss relevant issues through government’s initiative of positioning responsibility, to give equity of consideration to the capacity of everyone, restore the challenge of heartening citizens to play a share of a more participative individuals in decision making, crafting government to become more effective and transparent at all cost and to call everyone join fill an open space of a desired world for the youth.

“Together let us give each other a new taste of transforming this world. More than you know of understanding, you can give equal-standing.”

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